Jennette Cable, ND, CTN, CCH, ST, RSHom (NA)

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PANDAS Syndrome: An Integrative Approach

By Jennette Cable on June 11, 2018

PANDAS is an acronym for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections. There are two types of PANDAS most often observed by the pediatrician. One type is that of an otherwise neurotypical child who develops symptoms consistent with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, demonstrates motor tics, or becomes uncharacteristically fearful after illness resulting from strep. Another type is that of a child with an underlying neuropsychiatric condition whose pre-existing symptoms worsen as the result of a strep infection.

Theory of Approaches
All disease – PANDAS included – can be removed from the body with a three-fold protocol designed to support the body in doing what it innately knows how to do. The three approaches, in order of importance, are restoration, repulsion, and morbific destruction.

Approach One, Restoration, refers to the replenishment of the body through whole foods, a temporary course of vitamins or supplements, sleep, exercise, and lifestyle correction. This approach summarizes the toolbox of Naturopathy. When the body is nurtured and rebuilt to become the strongest version of self, it is strong enough to deal with the stressors that create susceptibility to disease. Not every body that interacts with a specific morbific agent falls ill. Only the body that is susceptible to disease falls ill. This susceptibility to disease is often related to the burden of environmental toxins, poor nutrition, and lifestyle maladies. Naturopathy works to reduce toxic burden.

Approach Two, Repulsion, refers to the therapeutic modality of Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a system of energy medicine in which the energy of the morbific invader is matched to a specific therapeutic remedy, creating a magnetic repulsion that helps the body drive out the invader. Homeopathy supports the body in doing what it already knows how to do, thereby strengthening the inner working of the immune system.

Approach Three, Morbific Destruction, refers to the use of modern pharmaceutical medicine to kill the morbific agent. In the case of PANDAS, this refers to the antibiotics used to kill the streptococcal bacteria. In a prevention-based protocol, morbific destruction is used when both restoration and repulsion have fallen short. Morbific destruction assumes that the body can no longer perform its innately capable function and takes over. Destruction may very well be necessary in a crisis. When used repeatedly, however, this approach eventually weakens the host system, creating a susceptibility to more disease over time.

Evaluation of Approaches
“Modern chemical medicine is brilliant at killing or destroying. In fact, pain relief and killing invaders is what it does best.” (Bentley, Grant. P A N D A S: Reaching out – A natural and homeopathic approach, p. 3). The biggest positive of antibiotic therapy is that the harmful bacteria may be killed for the body when the body is too weak to do so itself. In the treatment of PANDAS, beginning with the approach of morbific destruction and working backwards to the approach of restoration is often the necessary order of events. However, taking constant antibiotics over long periods of time results in destruction to the micro biome, killing the varieties of good bacteria responsible for breaking down and metabolizing food. A micro biome lacking the optimal balance of gut flora produces a state of malabsorption that may lead to eventual malnutrition. A further problem with repeated antibiotic use in the treatment of PANDAS is that often the first course of antibiotics is the most effective, while subsequent courses are less and less so. (Bentley, p. 4).

By far, the hugest negative of chronic antibiotic therapy in the treatment of PANDAS is the fact that the primary cause of PANDAS is actually a faulty communication signal within the body itself. The state of the patient’s internal constitution lacks harmony and balance. It is the lack of constitutional balance that created the susceptibility to disease in the first place. This is where naturopathy and homeopathy play vital roles. Conventional medicine shines at killing the invader for the patient (Approach of Destruction). Naturopathy teaches the Approach of Restoration through diet and lifestyle changes. Homeopathy revels in fighting alongside the patient and helping rebalance the patient’s constitution. It follows that while the Approach of Destruction may provide rescue in the crisis, the long-term successful treatment of one diagnosed with PANDAS must be the re-establishing of harmonious order within the body to remove the susceptibility to disease.

Protocol in Practice – An Integration of Approaches
Using a combination of approaches in specific sequence is often necessary in the treatment of PANDAS. The specific sequence used is based upon the severity of toxic burden, the specific pattern of symptoms, an understanding of the patient’s specific susceptibility to disease, and documentation of previous and ongoing therapies that have been applied to the case being studied. This information is the result of a carefully taken case by detailed and experienced practitioners.

It is vital to seek out naturopathy to identify the severity of toxic burden, reduce this burden, and replenish the body (pure water, removal of allergens, 90% whole organic foods, removal of processed foods, restoration of micro biome). A qualified homeopath is trained in seeing the pattern of symptoms and matching those symptoms with a remedy to repulse the infecting agents. Sometimes the medical support of antibiotics is necessary to destroy the agents. Engaging in heavy metal testing, allergy testing, and stool testing helps to identify specific susceptibility to disease and the toxins creating the burden. In my experience, the most successful case outcomes are those in which the naturopathic, homeopathic, and medical practitioners are all working in collaboration boasting complete understanding of the value of each therapy used.

(Reference: PANDAS – Reaching out: A natural and homeopathic approach by Grant Bentley)

Posted in: Bodywork, Movement, Yoga, Creative & Compassionate Expression, Food & Nutrition, Holistic Therapies: Classical Homeopathy, Music & Meditation: Sound Healing | No Comments

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