Jennette Cable, ND, CTN, CCH, ST, RSHom (NA)

Be happy.   Be healthy.  Be whole. TM


MELT Method®

Edya Kalev, MELT Method® Instructor
Affiliate Practitioner


The MELT Method is a simple self-treatment system that focuses on the health of your connective tissue.  Using specialized soft rollers and balls, MELT hydrates the connective tissue which surrounds and supports all our muscles, bones, organs and nerves.  Tension MELTs away, alignment becomes effortless, muscle timing is improved, and the core is more responsive.  The whole body works more efficiently when the connective tissue is in good condition.
MELT also quiets the nervous system and allows our over-taxed bodies to enter into healing mode, so it can repair itself on a cellular level.  In this way, MELT makes a great complement to any other healing modality you are currently using, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, or massage therapy by deepening and extending the benefits of each session.
Edya began her MELT studies in 2006 with Creator Sue Hitzmann, and is now one of the senior teachers of this unique method of “hands-off bodywork.”  She offers specialized classes, workshops and trainings in New York City.  Edya is now very excited to offer the first MELT Online Learning Series for people who want to learn MELT in the convenience of their own home or office, anywhere in the country.


For more information about Edya or the MELT Online Learning Series, go to:






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